We couldn’t survive without the generous donations we receive every day. Everyone who gives deserves the right to know how we use their items. We believe that giving household items and furniture a second chance is better for our users, our communities, and our environment.
Here are three ways that your donations change lives:
1. Households Helped
Every donation will help someone. The more you give, the more households you help. It’s that simple.
2. Money Saved
By re-purposing and reusing household items we can offer them to low income families at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new.
3. CO2Reduction
Every item we reuse is one less that goes to landfill. This can help save CO2, protecting our planet for the future.
We don’t just receive donations from the public. We also work with leading brands and businesses both nationally and locally who kindly give us items that we can reuse.